Switch it off!

I have often annoyed people by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms, whether in my house or elsewhere, regardless of who pays the electricity bills. Even with LED lights, zero is less consumption than a little, and no step toward survival is too small.

This is even more true on a large scale. Please read this BBC report on global energy waste because of unnecessary lighting.

Why do shop windows, building facades, advertisements need to blast light out into space when no one is around to see them?

Not only is this wasted energy that could be better used, but also it is one of the sources of pressure on the survival of many species of insects, birds and bats, prevents millions of people from ever experiencing the glory of a night sky, and is a handicap for astronomers.

After all, with modern technology, that shop window could have a movement sensor so the lights come on if a dog is passing.

About Dr Bob Rich

I am a professional grandfather. My main motivation is to transform society to create a sustainable world in which my grandchildren and their grandchildren in perpetuity can have a life, and a life worth living. This means reversing environmental idiocy that's now threatening us with extinction, and replacing culture of greed and conflict with one of compassion and cooperation.
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3 Responses to Switch it off!

  1. Joan Y. Edwards says:

    Dear Bob,
    Great idea to check to make sure the lights are off if you are not using them! Thanks for positing about it!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Carolyn Howard-Johnson says:

    The first time I was introduced to the term “light pollution” was probably about 25 years ago. I was on a sailboat, part of a tour to the Galapagos and our tour guide was an expat American Ph.D. from Michigan or Minnesota, I think. He was going to hoist the sail and lecture us on the Southern Cross in the night sky. He assured us there would be one. 1. We were in the Southern Hemisphere–your half, I believe, Bob. 2. It was not cloudy. 3. It was one of the few places–even then–that did not suffer from “light pollution.”4.It was many miles off the Ecuadorian Coast in a land that was already limiting their economic opportunities in order to protect their natural wonders. And, wonder of wonders, there it was. A night sky that looked like the Planetarium sky in New York. Since then, I have traveled all the oceans of the world and never again looked out on anything like it in nature. No matter the hemisphere. No matter the nautical position. I have seen photographs, of the Milky Way taken recently that are just as beautiful. But the opportunities. So rare. Early humans were indeed fortunate.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dr Bob Rich says:

      I remember being on night sentry duty in the army, being amazed at the night sky above. It made me feel infinitesimally tiny while at the same time a part of the Universe.
      Very few people in western countries have had the opportunity for such an experience.

      Liked by 1 person

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