Real life in stories

Rhobin wants to know: “Has an event in your life, or one of someone you know, or one covered in the news, ever worked its way into one of your stories?”

There is only one answer: YES. I think this is true for all of my stories, even for fantasy and science fiction.

For example, the heroes of my novella, Liberator, are small, green, have three arms and three legs, and live on a faraway planet. I wasn’t thinking of anything from my life when writing the story, but…

They are enslaved, tortured and murdered because a group of guys want to get rich, mining diamonds. You can read about my lovely little Greenies in Bizarre Bipeds

I was once enslaved and tortured, my loved ones murdered, because the English moneyed class needed fleece for their textile mills. Oh, that was in a previous life. All the same, as a result I have all too much empathy for the victims of greed and cruelty. I wrote Liberator because of the kind of person I am, and that has been shaped by what happened to Dermot, who lived in the 19th century.

You can read about this in Ascending Spiral, which also describes the effects of news items of other periods: the Second World War, the Australian gold rush, and sundry other happenings.

I am also the person I am thanks to several lovely people I call my “angels” in Ascending Spiral: they gave support and even love to a lonely boy simply because it was natural for them to make the world a better place for everyone. So, I modelled myself on them, and grew. This is what happens in my latest published novel, Hit and Run. And if my days in the dim distant past as a psychology student count as life events, then I can include the research on the influences that reform criminals. (Punishment doesn’t. Positive role models do.)

Here is one more example. I once visited Earth 1500 years into the future, and fictionalised my report in Sleeper, Awake. I wrote this book at the end of the 20th century, and it is strongly influenced by news items from approximately 2010 to the present, about the way humanity is destroying its life support system.

You calling me a liar? NO, I am a STORYTELLER. Did you come here for chronological verisimilitude, or for entertainment?

Please comment below (that’s the only place you can, unless you want to send me an email), then visit this lovely bunch of ladies, who address the same topic. Yes, I am the only male in Rhobin’s Rounds, blessed if I know why.

Rhobin L Courtright
Skye Taylor
Victoria Chatham
A.J. Maguire
Anne Stenhouse
Beverley Bateman
Connie Vines
Diane Bator
Fiona McGier
Judith Copek
Margaret Fieland

About Dr Bob Rich

I am a professional grandfather. My main motivation is to transform society to create a sustainable world in which my grandchildren and their grandchildren in perpetuity can have a life, and a life worth living. This means reversing environmental idiocy that's now threatening us with extinction, and replacing culture of greed and conflict with one of compassion and cooperation.
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10 Responses to Real life in stories

  1. okwriter says:

    A little late checking in on this, but I did enjoy your post. I enjoyed that you have visited both the past and the future and can relate to other peoples situations through your own experiences. You may not have an imagination but you listen and write down wonderful stories from the people who talk to you.


  2. When people ask if I’ve ‘always written’ I reply ‘I’ve always been a story-teller’. I don’t do any time-travelling, though. anne


    • Dr Bob Rich says:

      Oh, Anne, you should try it. Why be limited by the shackles of time and only 3 other dimensions?
      At the moment, I am investigating a crime in another universe, and one in another story on Earth.


  3. Connie Vines says:

    I was once enslaved and tortured, my loved ones murdered, because the English moneyed class needed fleece for their textile mills. Oh, that was in a previous life. Great hook! Dr. Bob thank you for sharing your knowledge and writing posts which are filled with compassion.


  4. Skye-writer says:

    Obviously a story teller with a vivid imagination. But I like the way you weave in the real stuff from your own and other’s pasts in the future and on planets where the beings are very different, yet touched with the same emotions that humans have, both good and bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dr Bob Rich says:

      Thank you, Skye. Actually, I don’t have an imagination at all, but am merely an obedient scribe. I write down what I am told.
      It’s only the little details I get stuck on. Like, this afternoon, I needed an internet hunt for the name of an island. I wish those inside whisperers would save me the trouble and give me all the stuff!


  5. Rhobin says:

    Everything for everybody is all in the mind, isn’t it? And sharing just expands the mind. Enjoyed your examples.


    • Dr Bob Rich says:

      Yes. Actually, according to quantum mechanics, everything is in the mind. Consciousness comes first. Everything depends on consciousness. This is not my opinion, but Max Planck’s.


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