The Ukraine invasion hasn’t gone away

Yesterday, I was doorknocking for the Greens. This is not an evangelical, foot-in-the-door exercise, but a matter of asking and listening. My version is some version of “What are the things you want to see changed?”

One lady’s response was, “Stop all these terrible wars.”

I managed not to cry in agreement.

The focus is currently on Gaza, but Ukraine is also an ongoing atrocity. Oleksandr Mykhed lived a great life until the Russian invasion. He immediately joined the army, and while he is still alive, many of his friends and colleagues are gone. He has just had a book published: The Language of War.

Please read this powerful interview of him by Charlotte Higgins.

About Dr Bob Rich

I am a professional grandfather. My main motivation is to transform society to create a sustainable world in which my grandchildren and their grandchildren in perpetuity can have a life, and a life worth living. This means reversing environmental idiocy that's now threatening us with extinction, and replacing culture of greed and conflict with one of compassion and cooperation.
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2 Responses to The Ukraine invasion hasn’t gone away

  1. mybooknks1 says:

    I wonder how many russians who are being forced into military service today, even know that (toward the end of WW2), the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – when Germany was on the brink of invading russia – all provided vast amounts of food, clothing, medical aid and miliary support in the hope that russia could re-organise themselves and defeat Germany… which they did.

    Given what russia has recently perpetrated upon Ukraine, is that what russian conscripts really believe is in their country’s best interests? Bloody short memories, if that’s what they think is the case. Would they really want the blood of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians on their hands, just to satisfy the overblown egocentric views of a few megalomaniacs who don’t in reality give a damn what happens to them?

    Once bitten, twice shy. No way should western powers have any sympathy for putin’s heartless, illogical regime. There will be an unfavourable outcome for putin; but more so for at least a million Ukrainian and russian families. And yes, The Hauge awaits you mr. putin.

    Trevor Tucker.

    Liked by 1 person

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