Japanese town cut waste by 80%, but…

In 2003, the Japanese town, Kamikatsu, resolved to go waste-free by 2020. They did incredibly well, but couldn’t manage it. Why? The packaging industry makes it impossible.

Please read this incisive short essay by Olivia Sullivan. She describes what got in the way, and what humanity must do about it.

About Dr Bob Rich

I am a professional grandfather. My main motivation is to transform society to create a sustainable world in which my grandchildren and their grandchildren in perpetuity can have a life, and a life worth living. This means reversing environmental idiocy that's now threatening us with extinction, and replacing culture of greed and conflict with one of compassion and cooperation.
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8 Responses to Japanese town cut waste by 80%, but…

  1. pendantry says:

    Reblogged this on Wibble.

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  2. Dr Bob Rich says:

    “Business is business and business must grow,
    Regardless of crummies in tummies, you know!” said the Oncler in The Lorax.
    Like that wonderful Japanese town, we need to do the best we can do. My wife and I generate perhaps one-fifth of the rubbish compared to our neighbours.
    We can be in organisations like The Greens, Greenpeace, etc. etc.


    • pendantry says:

      We can be in organisations like The Greens, Greenpeace, etc. etc.

      I sense a typo somewhere. If that’s not it, I have to ask “why not?”


      • Dr Bob Rich says:

        Like me, Jen is Australian, so my answer will have made sense to her. “The Greens” is Australia’s real opposition political party. The other two (Liberal-National COALition which is the opposite of liberal, and Labor which is Liberal Lite) represent the coal industry.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. jenran72 says:

    I have read the essay. Sooo discouraging! It is even worse than I had imagined. How can something so massive be turned around before it’s too late?


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